{Weight Loss Losers you have been SO INSPIRING!!! You have motivated me to take this step. Shanti (antishay) you rock! Adam I miss your posts you are the one who got me ‘hooked’! } Day One on my journey to my ideal weight through Intuitive Eating. Letting go of emotional eating and replacing it by the gentle guides of hunger and fullness. Join me this is going to be fun! I am so tired of suffering from overeating. 1700 calories is VERY low for young men, they probably felt as though they were starving. @Sugarrsweet1 i very recently just broke the cycle. i lived on 300 calories a day for the past month, and am up to 600 calories today! it’s very liberating. i’m also starting a yoga class very soon to re-tone my muscles, but more importantly, to get an overall healthy body and mind. best of luck to you! [: @kennerzzz Hey im in the middle of the cycle myself im currently at the overeating stage and i just want to break out of the cycle and begin normal eating again im either 20 pounds under/over weight… i’ve been on a battle with anorexia, and go through periods of heavy restriction and binge eating. when i was a kid, i was always considered an “anorexic weight”, the most i’ve ever weighed was 20 pounds underweight. all because i listened to my body. now, i can’t trust myself with food, because i overeat, then restrict to make up for it, which obviously will cause more over-eating. it’s a difficult cycle to break, but i’m sure i can make it through. thanks for this video [: Thank you so much for this video, it’s very interesting and useful. Also it’s a pleasure to watch because you are such a nice and friendly person hi i’m 16 and I’m bulimic.. for 3 years.. Everyday after school I turn on the computer and I take ALOT of junk food and I finish ALL the food in my house IN ONE DAY, sitting in front of m comp0uter and eat, after that I throw up. My body is not skinny, I look LIKE skinny but my stomache is bloated because I eat so much and throw up at the next minute, and i’m fat on my thighs and everywhere… Gosh I’m so ashamed… Thankyou so much!!! Ure inspiring!! Thank you for sharing the experiment about the men who were on the restricted diet. That really helps me sort of understand what is going on here. I just subscribed because your video was so informative and encouraging. Thank you! This is a great video! My biggest flaw is eating while I watch t.v. I always feel like I have to be watching something while I am eating dinner. I am going to try this. Something silly is that when you said “Jelly donuts”, I immediately wanted some! this is SO true and you are WONDERFUL to watch! this way of eating actually helped me lose 45 lbs! the loss is quick like u said… but along with it already being quickly, it feels very rapid because it’s not ‘torture.’ on diets you count the days… even minutes that you’ve been on the diet and the weight loss feels slow regardless of how fast it comes off… so again with this way of eating, since food stops becoming your main focus… clothes get baggy fast… fat just melts away! Geneen Roth! FTW! Picked up “Breaking Free From Compulsive Eating” out of desperation and last resort being fed up. Best $2.19 I ever spent at a Used-Book Store. Changed my life. First experience in “normalizing” my issues and chilling out about everything that was so fear-driven: simply having to let the cashier see the book title was humiliating, but then I just started taking it with me to coffee shops to read like it was any other normal piece of literature. Super healing. Geneen Roth! FTW! Picked up “Breaking Free From Compulsive Eating” out of desparation and last resort being fed up. Best $2.19 I ever spent at a Used-Book Store. Changed my life. First experience in “normalizing” my issues and chilling out about everything that was so fear-driven: simply having to let the cashier see the book title was humiliating, but then I just started taking it with me to coffee shops to read like it was any other normal piece of literature. Super healing. I so love your videos, I wish you`d do more of them. sounds like geneen roth We use Intuitive Eating at the eating disorder center here. I’m making huge progress on it. It’s scary, but worth it. Great video. argh BLUE GORILLA! Can’t get it out of my mind! Wow…freedom? I haven’t felt that in such a long time, I don’t even remember what it feels like anymore! Sad, huh? Now that I think about it, I haven’t felt true freedom from food since I was a kid. Since before I started using the excuse of being hungry so I could get out of schoolwork. Geez, that had to have been like, 10 years ago! And that was BEFORE I discovered I had an emotional dependence on food, which was about 6 or 7 years ago. Seems like I’m not anywhere close to feeling free… @kachurka @FortuneFantastica Step 3: Sit down and be present while you’re eating; eat your food sitting down – not standing up, while watching TV, when driving….or um, while watching videos about emotional eating on YouTube…LOL! I’m laughing because that’s exactly what I’m doing at this very moment! Haha! But I’m sure I’m not the only one! thanks over food eating stopped Hi Josie, I LOVE this video. I am new to your videos and wanted to ask how much weight you lost and how long it took you to lose? Have you been eating like a thin eater? Also have you heard of the Weigh down diet? What your saying sounds very similar to it AAAAA! I love this video! Seriously! duhh. I have the waiting for hunger down. But I love what you said about stopping eating when you start to loose the super enjoyment that you experience when you are super hungry. I have had such a hard time figuring out when to stop eating. If I just wait till I feel full…its always been too late. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Your my favorite person today. Oh I am SO SO SO thrilled to hear that you are experiencing freedom! Isn’t it the BEST feeling ever!!! Thanks so much for letting me know!!!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
I can do two weeks then I go wacko.
If I get upset about something, not every little thing but something I’m worried about.
Guess what I end up doing. I just want to get out of this mindset.
So sad this feeling of not being able to take care of my self without eating compulsively!
Hi there! So glad you are liking the videos. I don’t weigh myself but I’ve gone from a size 8/10 to a 4. It is a process the weight comes off quickly when I do not use food to cope…it comes off as quickly as I learn the skills…hope this helps!
Hilarious! Surely you are NOT the only one! So funny, you made my night!
Please write me
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