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Chocolate Milk, Diet Food? | Best Diet & Weight Loss .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;} During the Summer Games in 2004, a sports reporter noted that Michael Phelps, winner of six gold medals in swimming, was seen drinking a milk-based beverage between races. This apparent link between Phelps’ world-class performances and milk has launched exciting research to determine the benefits of milk, most recently low-fat chocolate milk, as a recovery beverage for serious athletes as well as for people who regularly exercise to promote health. Strenuous physical training to increase muscular strength, improve running capacity and boost performance depletes the body of water, electrolytes (sodium and potassium) and minerals (magnesium, calcium, zinc) through sweating, uses up stored sugar or glycogen in muscles, and breaks down muscle. The ability to replenish these nutrients and rebuild muscle is fundamental to an exerciser’s ability to train hard every day and succeed in competition. Low-fat milk may be a better choice than sports drinks or soy protein beverages for replacing lost fluids after endurance exercise and for helping to repair and rebuild muscles after strength training. A recent study showed that, after exhaustive exercise, athletes who drank low-fat milk, compared to those who drank water or a commercial sports drink, retained substantially more of the fluid consumed during a 2-hour recovery period. Thus, low-fat milk promotes retention of fluid after heavy exercise. Other studies have shown that low-fat or fat-free milk, compared … Milk is not good for you,. The casomorphine (casein) initiates diabetes, dissolves the lining of the arteries & is the beginning of heart disease and grows tumors like prostate cancer. The chocolate & dairy sugar are terrible for your teeth. Please read Milk, the Deadly Poison, Milk A-Z, The China Study & Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s “How to Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease. It makes bones weaker causing osteoporosus/ puts ON pounds. Research, Certificate of Plant Based Nutrition. Cornell. physician Belive it or not Free energy is real,But the powerfull Oil business won’t alow common ppl to know this,Get a motor that works with the power of magnets only at LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM ,Join the revolution! Just make sure you don’t get the chocolate milk with the hydrogenated oils. Sometimes, I drink chocolate milk before working out because it gives you energy and stamina…it’s a good blend of carbs, protien, and fats. (nutritionist) Quit Being Fat ! Get Your 100% Free trial of our revolutionare diet supplement and see better and faster results starting today. Check my profile for more info Lose Weight very easy and {all natura|natural|completely natural| ! 100% Guaranteed results See more in my Channel ! Have you dreamed to be slim and sexy ? Well dream no more, Get Free trial of our new diet supplement and start seeing results in few days ! See my Channel For more info !. 2nd comment and 2nd rate ilove the beat especially at the nd
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