Lumbago can be defined as a painful condition of the lower back that often results from a slipped disc or muscle strain. This musculoskeletal disorder affects 70% of people at some point in their lives. There are three forms of lumbago: 1) Acute Lumbago 2) Sub-Acute Lumbago 3) Chronic Lumbago. Acute lower back pain lasts less than one month, sub-acute lumbago takes one to three months to recover, while chronic lower back pain lasts more than three months.
There are numerous reasons that might be responsible for lower back pain. They include degenerative discs, slipped discs, lumbar spinal stenosis, restricted hip motion, sprain in the muscles, strain in soft tissues of the back, congenital abnormalities, leg length difference, fractures, osteomyelitis, osteoarthritis, bone tumours, osteomalacia, abdominal disease, prostrate cancer, depression and posture irregularities.
Lumbago can be diagnosed with MRI scan, CT scan or X-ray. Treatment of lower back pain includes a regular physical activity, physical therapy, medication therapy, behavioural therapy and self care. Chronic sufferers of lumbago must avoid smoking because nicotine reduces blood flow to the lower spine and accelerates spine deterioration.
Lumbago patients should also use a dietary supplement that helps reduce the symptoms of lower back pain. Potters Sciargo Tablets is a popular brand on the market that makes use of Shepherds purse, Wild carrot, Dry extract clivers, Dry extract uva, Uniper berry oil, Magnesium stearate hydroxy propyl cellulose, Sodium chlorophyllin, Titanium dioxide, Microcrystalline cellulose dicalcium phosphate, Colloidal anhydrous silica and Croscarmelluse sodium in its formulation. This supplement helps in the symptomatic relief of lumbago and sciatica.
Tags: degenerative discs, fitness, health, lower back pain, lumbago, lumbar spinal stenosis, restricted hip motion, sciatica, slipped discs, sprain in the muscles, strain in soft tissues of the backPosted in PottersPosted by admin